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Summit of the Two Shores: A Project Implementation Platform at the CMI

Jun 29, 2020

French Minister of Foreign Affairs Mr. Jean-Yves Le Drian entrusted the CMI with hosting a platform for facilitating and monitoring the implementation of the projects emerging from the Sommet des Deux Rives (Summit of the Two Shores).  


The Summit of the Two Shores is an initiative launched by French President Macron, involving the 5+5 Dialogue group of countries (Algeria, France, Italy, Libya, Malta, Mauritania, Morocco, Portugal, Spain and Tunisia) as well as international and Mediterranean institutions (AFD, EU, EIB, EBRD, OECD, UFM, ALF and WB).  Its main goal is to promote dialogue between the two shores as well as to increase regional cooperation between countries in the Mediterranean region, through the implementation of investment projects, emanating from the civil society, aimed at fostering the socio-economic transformation and resilience of the region by using a partnership and co-development approach.  


In this context, the CMI organized a Deep Dive session which brought together 8 institutions (AFD, EU, EIB, EBRD, OECD, UFM, ALF and WB) along with the promoters of the regional projects that were selected at the Summit in June 2019, and the civil society and Government representatives of the 5+5 countries. This video explains, through the perspective of the participants, why the CMI is best equipped to adequately run this platform, and how it will be done.



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