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National Climate Change Data Sets to Support Planning and Investment in Morocco

Apr 29, 2021

The data sets relate to the activity report named “Understanding Morocco’s Climate Futures – Using National climate change data sets to support planning and investment” which was presented and discussed during an e-workshop to the attention of Morocco’s national stakeholder on February 3, 2021.


The data are organized in two packages. The first one is made for experts and is composed of full NetCDF outputs including bias corrected (Processed) and non-bias corrected (Preprocessed) data. The second package is composed of simplified data in Raster (.tif), Text (.csv) and Plot (pdf) formats, including “base variables” and “extreme indices” generated from full raster datasets.


A readme file is provided in the main folder to help users navigating though the two data packages.


By using this data you agree to the following terms of use:

Citation: “ Center for Mediterranean Integration, International Water Management Institute. 2021. National Climate Change Data Sets to Support Planning and Investment in Morocco. Marseille, France and Rabat, Morocco. © CMI, IWMI. License: CC BY 3.0 IGO.”


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