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[Policy Dialogue] What Growth Strategies for the Mediterranean in Today’s Context?

  • Starts: Jun 08, 2022
  • Ends: Jun 08, 2022
  • Location: Marseille & Virtual
  • By: CMI, OECD, Growth Dialogue




    The global pandemic prompted a re-examination of existing development strategies. To provide for more sustainable and equitable income generation for people in the Mediterranean region, a reassessment of growth strategies is important - a need that appears today all the more important in light of the war in Ukraine, with rising inflation and supply chains that feed the world with essential goods suffering disruptions, leading to increased food insecurity and risks of energy supply discontinuity. 




    This joint CMI-OECD-Growth Dialogue event discusses ideas and policy directions for recovery in Southern Mediterranean countries, in light of the changes in the global economy that were already underway but that have been made more prominent by the recent events. 


    The discussion focuses on two topics. 


    [Session I] Policies for post-COVID recovery in the Mediterranean and regional cooperation


    Speakers reflect on policies for sustainable recovery and how they differ from pre-crisis policies for sustainable development. More specifically, they address the following questions: Is a change of existing growth policies needed? What type of regional cooperation can facilitate achieving these objectives and how can it be promoted? 


    [Session 2] Productivity, green transition, innovation, and social inclusion: Dealing with multiple objectives for recovery in the Mediterranean


    Speakers debate the relationship between the multiple objectives of a sustainable post-COVID recovery in MENA countries, from green transition to social inclusion to industrial diversification, to innovation, and to increasing productivity. More specifically, they address the following questions: What are the priorities? Can everything be achieved and how? 






    Watch the session's recording

    French version  



    English version