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Mediterra: Migration and Inclusive Rural Development in the Mediterranean

  • The International Centre for Advanced Mediterranean Agronomic Studies (CIHEAM) and the Agence Française de Développement (AFD) co-directed the new edition of the report “Mediterra. Migration and Inclusive Development in the Mediterranean”. Every two years, Mediterra gives the floor to experts and partner institutions to better understand the themes linked to rural development in the Mediterranean region and identify sustainable solutions.


    This year, the Center for Mediterranean Integration (CMI) participated in the report co-authoring an article with John Speakmann, World Bank: “Mobilization of Syrian investors and the private sector to boost local economic development in refugee hosting municipalities”. The article provides an in-depth analysis of the major challenges for Syrian investors in refugee-hosting countries. By adopting a strong focus on the local level, the authors highlight the economic benefits refugee investors can bring to the host communities providing existing examples from Mediterranean countries and the CMI-managed Host Municipalities Learning Network (HMLN) and giving recommendations to delineate a possible strategy for engagement of refugee-led enterprises in host countries.


    Mediterra is published in English and French. You can order it at Les Presses de Sciences Po by clicking here.

