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In December 2018, the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration (GCM) and the Global Compact for Refugees (GCR), were adopted by UN Member States. Both Compacts acknowledge not only the national dimension of migration and responses to refugee crisis, but also the actions needed at regional and local level.
Translating these global frameworks into day-to-day decision-making processes that have an impact for migrants and refugees in cities, remains a gap. Building on successful models, local authorities need action-oriented tools to support implementation of the Compact commitments at the local level. There is a need to grow the evidence on how to achieve benefits for both host communities, as well as migrant and displaced people themselves.
To address this gap, the CMI will host a meeting, building on previous discussions alongside the Intergovernmental Conference for Adopting the Global Compact for Migration, bringing together a group of international and regional partners. This coalition is dedicated to work on localizing the Global Compact for Migration (GCM) and the Global Compact on Refugees (GCR) - Guidance for Local Actors.
The meeting will gather a group of international and regional partners, including UN agencies such as UNCTAD, UNESCO, UNICEF, UN-Habitat, as well CMI, OECD and UCLG. The group of partners will coordinate closely with IOM and UNHCR for the proposed work.