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Community of Practice Launching Forum

  • Starts: Jan 16, 2013
  • Ends: Jan 17, 2013
  • Location: Turkey, Istanbul
  • By: World Bank
  • The World Bank launched the Community of Practice (COP) and Social Safety Nets (SSN) program by organizing a launching forum in the Turkish capital Istanbul aiming to expose countries from the Middle East and North Africa region to experiences of other countries in the same field. 



    During the forum, participants were exposed to experiences of COPs from other developing regions. This will help them learn about the relevant operational aspects of implementing COPs, the lessons learned and best practices accumulated through few years of operations, as well as learn about the value added of such initiatives. 


    Scope of the Activity

    In order to ensure the responsiveness of the COP to local needs and ensure local ownership of its tools and activities, directors of social assistance and employment in the 6 respective countries will be invited to: (i) develop and agree on the Terms of Reference of the COP; (ii) define the role of member countries (and the World Bank); (iii) decide on the topics that was to be discussed and addressed in the planned activities throughout the year; (iv) nominate practitioners from their respective countries; and most importantly (v) decide on the tools that were to be employed to facilitate knowledge exchange. 


    Links to Resources


    Full Agenda (French and English)

    List and contacts of participants


    Participants’ Presentations