[Report] Trade Liberalization and Jobs in the Mediterranean: Towards a New Generation of Trade Agreements
Nov 16, 2022 / Library
In 1995, policymakers from around the region met in Barcelona to issue a key communiqué, the Barcelona Declaration. Since then, integration was pursued primarily in the form of trade agreements, with the signing of Association Agreements (AAs) with the four Southern and Eastern Mediterranean Countries (SEMCs) studied in this report...
CMI Newsletter #76 Edition | October 2022
[Central Banks Workshop] Inflation in the Euro-Mediterranean Area
Nov 04, 2022 / Highlight
‘Inflation In the Euro-Mediterranean Area’
Marseille, 25-26 October 2022
Banque de France, the Center for Mediterranean Integration and the World Bank Group jointly organized the 2022 edition of the Euromed Workshop on the topic of ‘Inflation in the Euro-Mediterranean Area’. The objective of this closed-door event was to facilitate high-...
CMI at COP27
Nov 04, 2022 / Highlight
At the 27th Convention on Climate Change (COP27) held in Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt, CMI is joining global leaders, the UN family, development partners, NGOs, thought leaders, and more to take concrete action towards achieving the world's collective climate goals as agreed under the Paris Agreement.
To help advance climate action while...
CMI Newsletter #75 Edition | Summer 2022
[Policy Brief] Water Stories: Older Women and Water Management Practices in Palestine
Sep 12, 2022 / Library
Produced in the context of the CMI-led program on “Water Security Nexus in North Africa: Catalyzing Regional Coordination Around Climate Change, Resilience and Migration”, funded by the UK Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO).
Citation: Al Ajarma, K., Arafeh, G., Mansour, J. (2022). Water Stories: Older Women and Water...
[Policy Brief] Youth: A Leverage Factor For The Water Security And Climate Nexus: Case Of North Africa
Sep 12, 2022 / Library
Produced in the context of the CMI-led program on “Water Security Nexus in North Africa: Catalyzing Regional Coordination Around Climate Change, Resilience and Migration”, funded by the UK Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO).
Citation: Gharios, G., Elfanssi, S., Jouamaa, A., Mahfoud, A. (2022). Youth: A Leverage Factor For The...
[Policy Brief] Water Accounting For Enhanced Water Management: Case Study Of Souss-Massa, Morocco
Sep 12, 2022 / Library
Produced in the context of the CMI-led program on “Water Security Nexus in North Africa: Catalyzing Regional Coordination Around Climate Change, Resilience and Migration”, funded by the UK Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO).
Citation: Harake, D. (2022). Water Accounting For Enhanced Water Management: Case Study Of Souss-Massa...
[Policy Brief] Innovative Desalination Plant Driven by a Coupled Renewable Energy System (Qualitative Case Study: Power Plant in Mahdia, Tunisia)
Sep 12, 2022 / Library
Produced in the context of the CMI-led program on “Water Security Nexus in North Africa: Catalyzing Regional Coordination Around Climate Change, Resilience and Migration”, funded by the UK Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO).
Citation: Dahmani, S., Emad Eldin Selim, A., Kairallah, W. (2022). Innovative desalination plant...
[Policy Brief] Difficult Terrain: Migration And Climate Change In The Maghreb
Sep 12, 2022 / Library
Produced in the context of the CMI-led program on “Water Security Nexus in North Africa: Catalyzing Regional Coordination Around Climate Change, Resilience and Migration”, funded by the UK Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO).
Citation: Nicol. A. (2022). Difficult Terrain: Migration and Climate Change in the...
[Policy Brief] Catalyzing Regional Cooperation On Water Nexus Solutions In A Post-Covid Mediterranean
Sep 12, 2022 / Library
Produced in the context of the CMI-led program on “Water Security Nexus in North Africa: Catalyzing Regional Coordination Around Climate Change, Resilience and Migration”, funded by the UK Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO).
Citation: Tsakas, C. (2022). Catalyzing Regional Cooperation On Water Nexus Solutions In A Post-Covid...
[Policy Brief] Addressing Gender In The Climate Change And Water Security Nexus.
Sep 12, 2022 / Library
Produced in the context of the CMI-led program on “Water Security Nexus in North Africa: Catalyzing Regional Coordination Around Climate Change, Resilience and Migration”, funded by the UK Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO).
Citation: Al Ajarma, K. (2022). Addressing Gender in the Climate Change and Water...
Enhancing Drought Monitoring to Support Management and Resilience-Building under Current and Future Climate Extremes
Sep 09, 2022 / Library
The goal of this report is to provide Tunisia with the tools required to proactively manage drought, enabling the country to reduce the effects of climate change and human-induced hazards (Bergaoui et al. 2015). Both of these negatively affect the availability of water, as well as livelihoods, sedentariness and employment, in turn creating...
[Policy Brief] A Response To Climate Change In The Agriculture Sector – A Focus On Morocco
Sep 09, 2022 / Library
Produced in the context of the CMI-led program on “Water Security Nexus in North Africa: Catalyzing Regional Coordination Around Climate Change, Resilience and Migration”, funded by the UK Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO).
Citation: Harake, D. (2022). A Response To Climate Change In The Agriculture Sector – A...
Tunisia Case Studies Report: Downstream of the Nebhana Dam (Kairouan) and the Border Area of the Governorate of Jendouba
Sep 09, 2022 / Library
Through an in-depth analysis of two local case studies—the first in the region downstream of the Nebhana dam in the Governorate of Kairouan and the second in the border region of the Governorate of Jendouba—this study seeks to understand the fundamental connections between water security, climate change, and migration.
The report was...
Difficult Terrain: Water, Climate Change and Migration in Morocco - Combined Case Studies
Sep 09, 2022 / Library
The meso-geographical migration patterns in the Oum Er Rbia and Souss Massa basins, as well as the local migration patterns at the study locations, demonstrate that climate considerations are not the only reasons driving large-scale population shifts. Instead, they eventually have an evil consequence. As a result, migration becomes a component of...
Migration, Climate Change, and Water Management Stakeholder Mapping: Cases of Algeria, Morocco and Tunisia
Sep 09, 2022 / Library
This work serves as the foundation for a full investigation of how stakeholders interact at the organizational and/or managerial level. The report aims to improve understanding of mandates, operational modalities, and the range of activities in addition to describing the hierarchical structures of the stakeholders. This will help to clarify how...
Political Economy Analysis of the Water Security Nexus in North Africa
Sep 09, 2022 / Library
There are complex relationships between what is received and what it is used for, in the context of rural development stresses including – but not limited to – land, water and climate stresses. This means that there is never a straightforward relationship between water availability/scarcity and farming viability/non-viability.
A Political...
Difficult Terrain: Water, Climate Change and Migration in Morocco - Review Document and Analytical Framework
Sep 09, 2022 / Library
This study established an analytical framework to help place migration within broader development processes, including other sectoral legislation, in order to address these intricate interconnections. The creation of cross-sector policy coherence can be facilitated by adapting this framework to future policy development. This element also stressed...
Water Accounting of the Souss Massa River Bassin in Morocco
Sep 09, 2022 / Library
The management of water resources in Morocco is becoming more and more difficult; over the past 20 years, less water has been made accessible per person due to both population growth and decreased water availability, both of which are attributed to rainfall and overuse of groundwater. Over the past few decades, droughts have become more frequent,...
[Report] Understanding Morocco’s Climate Futures – Using National climate change data sets to support planning and investment
Sep 09, 2022 / Library
Since the 1990s, temperatures have risen and precipitation has decreased gradually, with a steeper trend over the past few years. Given the significance of rainfall to the nation's agricultural and water resource systems, the changes are raising challenging issues for supply and demand management. A number of droughts that have occurred as a...
[Flagship Report] The Water Security Nexus in North Africa: Catalyzing Regional Coordination Around Climate Change, Resilience and Migration
Sep 09, 2022 / Library
Concerned Mediterranean stakeholders need to be aware of the main obstacles to their water resilience. Their capabilities should be developed, and ultimately, they should be provided with suitable "nexus solutions". With this knowledge, the Center for Migration Integration (CMI)-led water security nexus project examined water security in an...
Post-COVID19 Food Security in Southern & Eastern Mediterranean
The Clean Energy Challenges: Sustainability, Decarbonization and Security of Supply in the Euro-Mediterranean Region
CMI Newsletter #74 Edition | June 2022
Planeta Mundo…Cooperación internacional y multilateralismo
Planeta Mundo: Impacto en la economía de la guerra en Ucrania
[Session Recording] CMI's Twelfth Annual Meeting
[Policy Dialogue] What Growth Strategies for the Mediterranean in Today’s Context?
CMI Newsletter #73 Edition | April/May 2022