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[Youth Forum] Young Med Voices Regional Virtual Forum: Harnessing Youth-Led Efforts for A Euro-Mediterranean Cooperation in the Framework of the 2030 Agenda

  • Starts: Sep 21, 2020
  • Ends: Oct 06, 2020
  • Location: Virtual
  • By: ALF, the British Council, CMI
  • Context & Rationale


    Held for the second year, the Euro-Med Debate and Policy Forum, is an inter-regional dialogue-based high-level event bringing together young leaders from across the two shores of the Mediterranean, trained in policy debate and active civil society players, for a program of online intercultural debates, policy roundtables, networking sessions and virtual exchange.


    It represents a critical contribution from young people of the Euro-Mediterranean region to lead and drive the 2030 Global Agenda for Sustainable Development. The motions of the debates will be connected to key SDGs, in particular linked to education and digitalization, climate action, economic growth and employment.


    The Forum coincides with the celebration of the 25th Anniversary of the Barcelona Agreement, putting youth priorities at the core of the decision-policy making that will shape the Mediterranean's future.


    Finally, it could represent an opportunity for young people to exchange their views on the COVID-19 crisis and its impacts on their societies, and to find innovative and sustainable solutions to be implemented to counter the effects of the crisis.



    • Creating opportunities for dialogue and inter-cultural learning between young leaders from the Mediterranean north and south and breaking down barriers and stereotypes.
    • Developing capacities through learning from a variety of experiences, from Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) to business and politics, to build the networks for future collaboration.
    • Enhancing youth dialogue on social engagement, and addresses issues of common concern to their communities.
    • Showcasing Young Mediterranean Voices (YMV) and its importance in advancing the youth agenda.


    • Formulating policy recommendations. Theywill be then presented to high-level decision-makers, in a culminating high level policy dialogue session on October 5th.

    About Young Mediterranean Voices


    Young Mediterranean Voices is the flagship debate and dialogue program connecting civil society, education and policymakers across the Southern Mediterranean and Europe. The program is coordinated by the Anna Lindh Foundation, co-founded by the British Council, and developed in partnership with the Center for Mediterranean Integration, Friends of Europe, the World Leadership Alliance-Club de Madrid, MEDAC and Soliya. The program is funded by the European Commission (DG NEAR) and co-funded by the Government of Finland, World Bank Group and the British Council.

