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Since the “Clean Energy for All Europeans” Package: Implications and Opportunities for the Mediterranean was published, it has been presented on the occasion of COP 25 and at various events, such as the CLIMED conference at Ecole Polytechnique in November 2019 and at the UfM Energy Platform meeting in Barcelona in January 2020
Since the Briefing Paper was published, the European Parliament has declared climate emergency, the European Council has endorsed the objective of achieving carbon neutrality by 2050 and the EU Commission has issued the European Green Deal communication, to establish a roadmap to achieve this objective, while preserving/enhancing economic growth, enhancing EU competitiveness and leaving no one behind (i.e. ensuring a just transition). In addition, the coronavirus epidemic has hit Europe severely, resulting in an economic recession that may last months if not years. Stimulus packages are being formulated to catalyze the economic recovery, and all European institutions and EU Member States are being encouraged to design stimulus packages that are compatible with the Green Deal. These developments will require establishing new financing instruments, enacting new Directives and implementing legislation and probably a revamping of the various legislative documents adopted under the CE4ALL Package.
As part of its mandate to disseminate knowledge, the CMI Forum on Electricity and Climate Change monitors changes in, and implementation of, the EU Clean Energy for All Package and analyzes implications for SEMC. For instance, two aspects of the Package that are the most relevant to SEMC were defined in late 2020-- the EU Financing Mechanism and the new Connecting Europe Facility—and the implications were reported in the Insight Bulletin. The Forum regularly informs its members through virtual or live workshops, blogs and occasional bulletins on the relevant developments. Moreover, if and when required, a complement of the Briefing Paper will be issued to analyze the implications for SEMC of development since August 2019.
Finally, some complementary activities are being undertaken, such as training/capacity building, analytical support for NDC revisions or infrastructure investment for regional integration and advisory services on green stimulus packages.
[Presentation] Climate Change and Energy Transition in the Mediterranean in the context of the CLIMED Conference by Ecole Polytechnique (Paris, France, 21-22 November 2019)
[Presentation] “Clean Energy for All Europeans” Package: Implications & Opportunities for the Mediterranean in the context of the UfM Energy Platforms Annual Meeting (Barcelona, Spain 29-30, January 2020)
[Workshop Proceedings] "Discussion Of Briefing Paper On The EU ‘Clean Energy For All Europeans’ Package For The Use Of Southern And Eastern Mediterranean Countries" by the EC and the CMI (Brussels, Belgium, 10 April 2019)
CMI Mediterranean Forum on Energy and Climate Change – INSIGHTS #1
CMI Mediterranean Forum on Energy and Climate Change - INSIGHTS #2 (June-July 2020)
CMI Mediterranean Forum on Energy and Climate Change - INSIGHTS #3 (July 2020 – January 2021)
CMI Mediterranean Forum on Energy and Climate Change - INSIGHTS #4 (January – May 2021)