Urban and Spatial Development

An estimated 100 million more people will be living in Mediterranean cities in the next twenty years. Decisions taken now will impact the investment and character of such a future. The management of next generation solutions for energy, transport, water, climate change, and more generally for productivity growth, will play out in cities and in the context around them. The CMI has already been active in this area and has convened a series of high profile events such as on the World Development Report on Economic Geography, on the World Bank�s regional report on urban issues as well as on cities and climate change, as well as supporting the annual conference of World Urban Research.

Four programs are currently being developed in the Urban and Spatial Cluster. The two first on Strategic Urban Development and Cities and Climate Change are jointly led by the World Bank and the French Caisse des D�p�ts et Consignations; the third on the renewal of historic centers in Southern cities (Medinas) is led by the European Investment Bank; and the fourth on urban transport is led by the Agence Fran�aise de D�veloppement (AFD).

More about the programs: