- Study on Promoting Innovation in the Mediterranean, November 2012
- CMI 2012 MED Report - Toward Green Growth in Mediterranean Countries , October 2012 - عربي
- Sustainable urban transport in the Mediterranean region - Summary of 2010-2011 Seminars, September 2012 - Draft document to be updated
- Medina Accessibility - A Guide for Policy Makers, September 2012
- CMI - Mena Development Report - From Political to Economic Awakening in the Arab World: The Path of Economic Integration - A Deauville Partnership Report on Trade and Foreign Direct Investment, May 2012 - عربي
- Harnessing the Power and Potential of Information and Communication Technologies for Local Development - A Practical Handbook for Local Mediterranean Policy makers, January 2012
- Beyond the Arab Spring: Civil Society Speaks for a Common Future, December 2011
- Urban Development Strategies in the Mediterranean Report, Context, Issues, and Outlook
- Towards a New Generation of Mediterranean Cities Strategies - Guidebook for Cities Development Strategies in Southern Mediterranean
- Report Breaking Even or Breaking Through: Reaching Financial Sustainability While Providing High Quality Standards in Higher Education in the Middle East and North Africa (AFD/World Bank) - عربي
- CMI Report - Strategic Mapping of Think Tanks - Mediterranean Countries & Beyond, 2011
- Climate Change Adaptation and Natural Disasters Preparedness in the Coastal Cities of North Africa - Final Report, July 2011
- "Poor Places, Thriving People - How the Middle East and North Africa Can Rise Above Spatial Disparities" MENA Development Report, World Bank, April 2011
- "Using Evidence to Bridge the Untenable Gaps" article by Mats Karlsson, Director of the CMI from the Dossier: Euro-Mediterranean Integration Policies: The 2010 Free Trade Area, IEMed. Mediterranean Yearbook, Med. 2010, November 2010 - Entire Mediterranean Yearbook
- The Labor Market Policy Reform Agenda in MENA, MENA Knowledge and Learning - Quick Notes Series, World Bank, March 2011
- Financing Higher Education in the Mediterranean Region: The case of Egypt, Lebanon and Tunisia, AFD Publication, January 2011
- Towards an Objective-Driven System of Smart Labor Migration Management, IZA Policy Paper No. 20, November 2010
- FEMIP: The crisis and exit strategies in the Mediterranean partner countries , European Investment Bank, November 2010
- Economic Integration in MENA: The Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC), the Maghreb, and the Mashreq, MENA Knowledge and Learning - Quick Notes Series 33, World Bank, October 2010
- The Cost of Environmental Degradation: Case Studies from the Middle East and North Africa, World Bank, July 2010
- World Development Report 2010 Overview "Changing the Climate for Development" - Online version - عربي
- Plan and Manage a Science Park in the Mediterranean, Guidebook for Decision Makers
- Migration and Skills: The Experience of Migrant Workers from Albania, Egypt, Moldova, and Tunisia, World Bank / ETF Report
- Urban Transport in the Mediterranean Region - Guidance and Recommendations
- Brochure of the CMI
- CMI Briefing Note
- 2012 Annual Report of the CMI
- 2011 Annual Report of the CMI
- 2010 Annual Report of the CMI
- Minutes of the CMI Annual Meeting, November 29, 2011
- Minutes of the CMI Annual Meeting, November 18, 2010
- Brochure of Strategic Urban Development program overview (UD1)
- Brochure of Cities & Climate Change program overview (UD2)
- Brochure of Sustainable MED Program (EW1)
- Brochure of LOGISMED (TL)
- Brochure of Medinas 2030 Program (UD3)
- Brochure of Financing innovation projects Program (IT1)
- Pictures of the Annual Meeting of the CMI, November 28, 2012
- Pictures of the Rencontres Valmer "Employment and Social Protection in the MENA Region: Paving the Way for a New Social Contratct", November 27, 2012
- Pictures of the Signature of the Memorandum of Understanding with Tunisia, October 19, 2012
- Pictures of the Rencontres Valmer "Transforming the Arab Economies: The Knowledge and Innovation Road", October 18, 2012
- Pictures of the launch of the 2012 MED Report "Toward Green Growth in Mediterranean Countries", October 17, 2012
- Vimeo Channel of the CMI (online videos)
- Pictures of the Annual Meeting of the CMI, November 29, 2011
- Pictures of the Signature of the Memorandum of Understanding with ISESCO, October 27, 2011
- Pictures of the Higher Education Report (CMI-AFD-WB) Launch, October 21, 2011
- Pictures of the Dialogue on Innovative Engines of Growth, Trade and Jobs in the MENA Region, September 10, 2011
- CMI Press Release: Annual Meeting focuses on Regional Integration, Sustainable Growth and Participatory Governance , November 28, 2012 - عربي
- World Bank/CMI/AUDI Press Release: "Launch of the Urbanization Platform (UkP) in the MENA region", September 17-18, 2012
- UNDP/CMI Press Release: "Harnessing the power and potential of ICTs for local development", March 8, 2012
- CMI Press Release: Transition to Transition Conference in Casablanca - Stimulating Growth and Investment during Transition in Morocco - عربي
- CMI Press Release: "The Center for Mediterranean Integration (CMI) mandated by the G8 to lead an action plan for enhanced trade and foreign direct investment in the Mediterranean"
- CMI Press Release: Report Launch: �Breaking Even or Breaking Through: Reaching Financial Sustainability while providing High Quality Standards in Higher Education in the Middle East and North Africa� - عربي
- G8-Deauville Partnership France 2011 Press Release: "Deauville Partnership Finance Ministers� Meeting - Marseille, September 10, 2011"
- CMI Press Release: "The CMI hosts a conference on May 30-31 in Marseille on threats posed to North African coastal towns by climate change and natural disasters"
- CMI Press Release: "The difficult puzzle of the sustainable financing of higher education discussed at a Seminar hosted by the Marseille Centre for Mediterranean Integration (January 24-25, 2011)"
- CMI Press Release: "Casablanca hosts a conference on 22 and 23 June on the threats posed to North African coastal towns by climate change and natural disasters", June 21, 2010 - عربي
- CMI Press Release: "First Workshop on Climate Induced Migration and Displacement in the Middle East and North Africa", June 14, 2010 - عربي
- CMI Press Release: "Towards harmonisation and improving training in southern Mediterranean countries", June 13, 2010 - عربي
- EIB/CMI Press Conference: Speech of Mr. Philippe de Fontaine-Vive, Vice President of EIB, April 16, 2010 (French only)
- EIB/CMI Press Release: "Innovation, emergent priority of economic development in the Mediterranean", April 16, 2010
- CMI Press Release: "The Marseille Center for Mediterranean Integration is launched today", October 9, 2009
- Article from EcoNostrum, "The roots of green growth in the mediterranean region" by Dr. Christian Averous, environmental economist, May,23, 2012
- Press Book of the �Urban Risk assessment and climate change adaptation in Algiers: a new step towards resilient cities in the Mediterranean�, April-May 2012
- Press Book of the CMI Annual Meeting, November 29, 2011
- Article from EcoNostrum, "Optimiser la planification urbaine en M�diterran�e avec Menapolis", December 5, 2011 (French only)
- Article from Le Moci, "Une base avanc�e pour les relations euro-m�diterran�ennes", September, 2011 (French only)
- Article from EcoNostrum, "Le CMI va r�diger un plan d'actions pour les pays arabes", September 12, 2011 (French only)
- Article from Le JMed, "Avec 7,5 Mds $ d�ici � 2013, la BEI renforce son soutien aux pays sud-Med en transition d�mocratique", September 10, 2011 (French only)
- Article from EcoNostrum, "Ocemo, the voice of civil society", July 19, 2011
- Article from EcoNostrum, "La Banque mondiale tire la sonnette d'alarme", July 13, 2011 (French only)
- Article from EcoNostrum, "L'Ocemo part � la rencontre de la jeunesse m�diterran�enne", July 8, 2011 (French only)
- Article from EcoNostrum, "La lutte contre la pollution marine volontaire s�organise en M�diterran�e", June 16, 2011 (French only)
- Article from Secteur Public, "L'Agence fran�aise de d�veloppement et le Plan Bleu renouvellent leur partenariat en faveur du d�veloppement durable en M�diterran�e", May 30, 2010 (French only)
- Article from Le JMed, "Laurent VIGIER (CDC) : � Aujourd�hui en M�diterran�e, les peuples aspirent � la modernit�. C�est une bonne nouvelle ! �", May 3, 2011 (French only)
- Article from EcoNostrum, "La transition d�mocratique en M�diterran�e n'est pas une menace mais un message d'espoir", April 21, 2011 (French only)
- Article from Le JMed, "Le CMI met son action strat�gique en phase avec la transition d�mocratique des pays sud-Med", April 5, 2011 (French only)
- Article from EcoNostrum, "L'�valuation des syst�mes �ducatifs s'impose comme facteur de changement au sud de la M�diterran�e", April 4th, 2011 (French only)
- Article from EcoNostrum, "Le Centre de Marseille pour l'int�gration en M�diterran�e prend une nouvelle dimension", April 4th, 2011 (French only)
- Article from EcoNostrum, "OCEMO : Cr�ation du r�seau des r�seaux m�diterran�ens", March 4th, 2011 (French only)
- Article from Le JMed, "Ph. de Fontaine Vive : � La culture et le patrimoine urbain m�diterran�ens sont une priorit� moderne �", December 10, 2010 (French only)
- Article from EcoNostrum, "La BEI et l�Unesco, associ�es au chevet des m�dinas", December 10, 2010 (French only)
- Article from EcoNostrum, "L�OCEMO va regrouper les expertises �conomiques du bassin m�diterran�en", December 3, 2010 (French only)
- Article from EcoNostrum, "Les c�urs de villes ont besoin de transports en mode doux", December 2, 2010 (French only)
- Article from EcoNostrum, "Isi@med veut jeter des ponts num�riques entre les rives de la M�diterran�e", December 1st, 2010 (French only)
- Article from Le JMed, "Une premi�re ann�e bien remplie pour le Centre de Marseille pour l�int�gration en M�diterran�e", November 20, 2010 (French only)
- Article from EcoNostrum, "CMI : l'int�gration m�diterran�enne passera par le pragmatisme", November 19, 2010 (French only)
- Article from Le JMed, "Philippe de Fontaine Vive, VP de la BEI : � A titre personnel, j�ai sign� � deux mains pour la cr�ation d�une Banque de d�veloppement de la M�diterran�e �", October 4, 2010 (French only)
- Article from Le JMed, "Laurent Vigier : � La CDC s�engage fort en M�diterran�e, et nous sommes l� pour rester ! �", October 3, 2010 (French only)
- Article from Le JMed, "Le CMI et l�EPA Eurom�diterran�e copilotes du � R�seau des op�rateurs urbains m�diterran�ens �", October 3, 2010 (French only)
- Article from Le JMed, "Fadela Amara confirme la cr�ation d�un r�seau m�diterran�en des op�rateurs urbains", October 2, 2010 (French only)
- Article from EcoNostrum, "Les villes nouvelles durables posent une premi�re pierre vers une concertation m�diterran�enne", October 1st, 2010 (French only)
- Article from Info Economique, "MARSEILLE. Un s�minaire pour faciliter la mobilit� des travailleurs de la zone Mena", June 29, 2010 (French only)
- Article from Agence France Presse, "Youth in the Arab Mediterranean region, an asset has better exploit", May 2, 2010 (French only)
- Article from EcoNostrum, "Les pays m�diterran�ens veulent cr�er des m�canismes d��quivalence des dipl�mes", June 14, 2010 (French only)
- Article from Al Nahr, newspaper in the Middle East: "Youth in the Arab Mediterranean countries, an opportunity to better exploit", May 3, 2010
- Article from La Provence, "Marseille fait �cole dans le monde arabe", April 30, 2010 (French only)
- Article from Secteur Public, "L�innovation, priorit� �mergente du d�veloppement �conomique en M�diterran�e", April 19, 2010 (French only)
- Article from Le JMed, "Philippe de Fontaine Vive, VP de la BEI, au CMI : � C�est le Sud qui tire la croissance europ�enne �", April 18, 2010 (French only)
- Interview of Mats Karlsson, Director of the CMI in EcoNostrum, April 16, 2010 (French only)
- Article from Secteur Public, "Coop�ration et d�veloppement : Accord cadre de partenariat entre la Ville de Marseille et l�Agence fran�aise de d�veloppement", April 8, 2010 (French only)
- Focus on Mediterranean Cities, related to Urban and Spatial Development Cluster of the CMI, published in Revue Urbanisme, Nov.-Dec. 2009 (French only)
- Article from Secteur Public, "Inauguration du Centre de Marseille pour l�Int�gration en M�diterran�e", October 12, 2009 (French only)
- Article from Le JMed, "Cr�ation du Centre de Marseille pour l�int�gration en M�diterran�e", October 11, 2009 (French only)
- Article from La Provence, "L'avenir de la M�diterran�e se dessinera a Marseille", October 10, 2009 (French only)
- Article from The Financial, "The Marseille Center for Mediterranean Integration is launched today", October 10, 2009
- Article from EcoNostrum, "Le CMIM, laboratoire d'id�es pour les politiques publiques en M�diterran�e", October 9, 2009 (French only)
- Article from Le Figaro, "La Cit� phoc�enne veut affirmer son ambition en M�diterran�e", October 9, 2009 (French only)
- Article from Agence France Presse, "Marseille accueille un Centre pour l'Int�gration en M�diterran�e", October 9, 2009 (French only)
- Article from Agence France Presse, "La Banque europ�enne d'investissement au chevet des m�dinas", October 9, 2009 (French only)
- Article from Secteur Public, "Programme M�dinas 2030 : la banque europ�enne d'investissement pr�conise une vision strat�gique et durable des m�dinas", October 7, 2009 (French only)