Past Activities
- October 20, 2012: The 8th Mediterranean Economic Rendez-vous: "New Powers, new economic programs in the Mediterranean�, Marseille
- October 18, 2012: Rencontre Valmer - �Transforming the Arab Economies: The Knowledge and Innovation Road�, Marseille
- October 17, 2012: Mediterranean Economic Week � Press Presentation of MED Report �Towards Green Growth in Mediterranean Countries� and follow-up discussion, Marseille
- October 1-3, 2012: Social Protection and Employment Workshop, Reflections from International Experiences � Jointly organized with the CMI, the Egyptian Authorities, AFD, World Bank, the European Union, the African Development Bank and ILO, Cairo
- September 17-18, 2012: Middle East and North Africa Urbanization Knowledge Platform - Sustainable development and Inclusive growth for MENA cities at the crossroad � High Level Policy Workshop, Marseille
- September 7, 2012: Joint Initiative for Inclusive Growth in MENA Cities - A Regional Joint Work Program (JWP) for North Africa and the Middle East of the Cities Alliance and the CMI, Rome, Italy
- June 25-26, 2012: Discussion on the draft version of the Knowledge Economy Report
- June 4-5, 2012: Workshop preparation linked to LUTP Marseille
- June 1-4, 2012: Launch of booklet "Urban Transport in Medinas" (TRANSITEC)
- May 31, 2012: Launch on the Report on higher education
- May 29-30, 2012: Joint Work Program � UCLG Conference on decentralization
- May 28, 2012: Stimulating Growth and Investment During Transition - T2T Initiative
- May 22, 2012: Second GEF Regional Governance and Knowledge Generation Project
- May 10-11, 2012: Workshop Anticipate and Reduce the Vulnerability of Coastal Tunisian Cities to Address Climate Change and Natural Disasters
- May 8-9, 2012: Seminar on Water Innovations & Young Entrepreneurs in the Mediterranean
- April 23-25, 2012: Medinas 2030 Initiative Workshop, Marseille
- April 2012: IT1 Fostering Innovation - Euro Mediterranean conference on Research and Innovation, Barcelona
- March 16, 2012: Removing barriers to water innovation in the Mediterranean Region workshop, World Water Forum, Marseille
- March 14, 2012: Collaboration on a South Eastern Mediterranean Environmental Health Action Plan, World Water Forum, Marseille
- March 13, 2012: Water Demand Management in the Mediterranean Session, World Water Forum, Marseille
- March 13, 2012: Fostering the Inclusion of Non-Conventional Water Resources in the Water Planning in the Mediterranean Session, World Water Forum, Marseille
- March 13, 2012: Side event of the World Water Forum, Consultation on the 2012 MED report "towards Green Growth in the Mediterranean Countries", Marseille
- March 2012: Migration and Skills Workshop, Turin
- February 2012: Launch of ISI@MED handbook, 2011 ISI@MED Workshop, Marseille
- February 10-11, 2012: South-South exchange workshop on City Development Strategy Lebanon
- January, 24-25, 2012: Launch Workshop : GEF Project Regional Coordination on Natural Resources Management & Capacity Building, Marseille
- December 19-20, 2011: 1st Mediterranean Water Forum, Marrakech, Morocco
- December 8-9, 2011: Workshop of the Network of Mediterranean Urban Developers, Sfax, Tunisia
- December 1-3, 2011: Capacity Building Seminar on Water Resources Management and Policies, Jordan
- November 29, 2011: 3rd Annual Meeting of the CMI, Marseille
- November, 23-24, 2011: Workshop Health & Environment (with WHO), Jordan
- Novembre 22-24, 2011: International Conference GID-Parmenides: "Water and sanitation: challenges and health risks in the Mediterranean" , Rabat, Morocco
- November 20-23, 2011: 2nd Arab Water Forum “Living with Scarcity” with the Arab Water Council, Cairo, Egypt
- November 19-20, 2011: Conference for Dissemination of Findings on University Governance Screening Card for MENA, Cairo, Egypt
- November 12-13, 2011: Workshop on Job creation, Knowledge Economy and Government Prices in MENA
- November 3-4, 2011: Presentation of Menapolis study results, Morocco
- October 28, 2011: Med 2012 Report: Second Technical Review, Marseille
- October, 17-21, 2011: Conference on Sustainable Urban Transport, Barcelona
- October, 12-13, 2011: Regional Workshop: Geographic information: Cities and territories in the Mediterranean, Marseille
- October, 15, 2011: 2012 MED report: first results, Rendez-Vous Economiques de la M�diterran�e, During the Mediterranean Economic Week, Marseille
- October, 10-15, 2011: Mediterranean Economic Week, Marseille
- October, 3-6, 2011: Joint CMI-EC-EIB workshop on Research Centers on Internationalization and Valorization of Research, Marseille
- October, 2-6, 2011: WBI-AWA course on Climate Change and Sustainable Land-Water Management, Arab Water Academy, Abu Dhabi
- September 29, 2011: International workshop: The challenges of urban development in the Mediterranean: towards an integrated economic development and sustainable cities , Alicante, Spain
- September 26-27, 2011: Launch Conference on Network of Mediterranean Urban Developers, Marseille
- September, 20-21, 2011: Euromed Invest � the Mediterranean trade and investment Summit, in partnership with Anima Invest in Med and OCEMO, Alexandria, Egypt
- September, 16-19, 2011: G8 BMENA civil society workshop, Marrakech, Morroco
- September, 15-16, 2011: Second Expert consultation on Med 2012 Report
- September, 12-13, 2011: UfM Technical Urban Meeting, Rabat, Morocco
- September 12-13, 2011: MEDACITY Forum, Lebanon
- September 10, 2011: G8-Deauville Partnership France 2011 "Deauville Partnership Finance Ministers� Meeting - Marseille" Innovative Engines of Growth, Trade and Jobs in the MENA region: 2nd Informal Dialogue among Leading Economists of the Region
- July 8, 2011: Economic Transformation and Trade Integration in the Mediterranean: Informal Dialogue among Leading Economists of the Region, Marseille
- July 8, 2011: Launching Conference - Office de Coop�ration Economique sur la M�diterran�e et l�Orient (OCEMO), Marseille
- July, 2011: Conference: Presentation of Menapolis findings, Egypt
- June 21-22, 2011: Workshop: 2nd technical meeting of the network of Mediterranean urban developers, Lebanon
- June 16-17, 2011: Legal Prosecutors Network against Marine Pollution Workshop, Marseille
- June 14-15, 2011: Workshop on social measures for a successful transition in Tunisia (closed event), Tunisia
- June 13-15, 2011: Managing International Labor Migration for Better Development Outcomes: Program Design, Monitoring and Evaluation, World Bank � International Organization for Migration, Marseille
- June, 7, 2011: 9th Mediterranean logistics and transports Forum Salon International de la Logistique (SIL) exhibition, with the collaboration of ASCAME, the Consorci de la Zona Franca and Barcelona�s Chamber of Commerce, Barcelona
- June 6-7, 2011: Expert consultation on Med 2012 Report, Rome
- June, 5-7, 2011: G8-Broader Middle East and North Africa (G8-BMENA) � VIII Forum for the Future - Regional Workshop: Transformation and Integration in the MENA Region, Marseille
- June, 1-5 2011: Second regional workshop on regional flagship study �Adaptation to a Changing Climate in the Arab Countries", Marseille
- May, 30-31, 2011: Conference on Adaptation and Resilience of Coastal Cities in North Africa to Climate Change and Natural Hazard Risks, Marseille
- May 27, 2011: Expert Consultation on Med 2012 Report, Marseille
- May 13-14, 2011: Stakeholders Consultation on Med 2012 Report, Nice
- April, 28-29, 2011: Workshop on Services for Innovating Firms, Marseille
- April, 2 2011: Conference on OECD Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) with Ecole de la 2eme Chance (E2C), IREM, and the CMI, E2C, Marseille
- April, 1st 2011: First General Assembly of the Office de Coop�ration Economique sur la M�diterran�e et l�Orient (OCEMO), Marseille
- March 14-15, 2011: Conference on City Development Strategies (with Medcities, Cities Alliance, WBI), Barcelona
- March, 8, 2011: Stakeholders Consultation on Med 2012 Report, Morocco
- January 2011: FEMISE Technical Workshop on Regional Qualification Framework for Skills Development, Marseille
- January 2011: Launch study on Urban Rehabilitation
- January, 24-25, 2011: High-Level Conference: Seeking Sustainable Financing of Higher Education (AFD-World Bank), Marseille
- December 9, 2010: Press Conference: Launch of the Book « Médinas 2030 » (L'Harmattan), Marseille
- December 1st, 2010: MED 2012 Workshop, Economic stake of the environmental degradation in the Mediterranean, Mediterranean Economic Week, Marseille
- December 1st, 2010: Workshop: 1st technical meeting of the Network of urban developers, - December 1st, 2010, Marseille
- November 30 - December 1st, 2010: Atelier Strat�gique 2010 - ISI@MED: "Territorial Approach to Development and Democratic Governance through the Use of ICTs", Mediterranean Economic Week, Marseille
- November 29 - December 4, 2010: Mediterranean Economic Week, Marseille
- November 29 - December 1st, 2010: Session on Sustainable Urban Development, Mediterranean Economic Week, Marseille
- November 23-24, 2010: Workshop on Transport and Logistics, EIB, Barcelona
- September 30 - October 1st, 2010: Regional Experts meeting on Urban Renewal Operators at the Forum UPM : "Villes nouvelles : pour des m�tropoles durables", Marseille
- July 19, 2010: Economic Policy Challenges for Developing Countries in the Post-Crisis World seminar, Marseille
- June 22-23, 2010: Third workshop of a serie of three workshops on urban vulnerability, Morocco
- June 15-16, 2010: Second workshop of a serie of three workshops on urban vulnerability, Egypt
- June 15-16, 2010: Workshop on Climate change induced Migration and Displacement in the Middle East and North Africa, Marseille
- June 15-16, 2010: 5th Conference of InWEnt Partner Forum on Water Governance, Marseille
- June 14-15, 2010: National Qualifications Framework and Measuring Higher Education Outcomes seminar, Marseille
- June 6-8, 2010: EUROMED Heritage conference on �Economie et financement du patrimoine� and second tenure of the Medinas 2030 exhibition, Damascus
- May 31 - June 4: Partner Forum on Water and Governance with InWent, Tunisia
- May 18, 2010: First workshop of a serie of three workshops on urban vulnerability, Tunisia
- April 28-30, 2010: Workshop Promoting Income Opportunities and Active Citizenship for Young People, Marseille
- April 16, 2010: CMI/EIB Press Conference on "Innovation, emergent priority of economic development in the Mediterranean", Marseille
- April 11-13, 2010: Regional conference on Urban Transports, Damascus
- March 17-19, 2010: Regional Training on Environmental Safeguards, Marseille
- March 15-16, 2010: Workshop on Network of Environmental Prosecutors (with French Ministry of Justice), Marseille
- March 8-12, 2010: Employment and Labor Mobility Week, in Marseille including workshops on: Managing Migration (March 8-9); Establishing Portability of Benefits (March 10); Income Protection for the Unemployed and Unemployment Insurance (March 11); and Labor Market Policies (March 12)
- December 16-17, 2009: Universities as Key Partners for Good Governance, Marseille
- December 14-19, 2009: Presentation of Spatial Urban Development and Cities and Climate Change Programs at Africities, Marrakech
- December 1-3, 2009: Participation in the Building 21st Century Knowledge Economies for Job Growth and Competitiveness in the Middle East, Tunis
- October 8-9, 2009: Workshop on Medinas 2030, Marseille
- October 9, 2009: Launch of the Marseille Center for Mediterranean Integration (CMI), Marseille
:: Events in 2012
:: Events in 2011
:: Events in 2010